A very short note about Dostoyevsky's writing in this book : the translators has chosen a set of stories that focused on Dostoyevsky's idea of the "underground" man. Since I have read only the "underground" stories of Dostoyevsky, I am unable to comprehend a difference. But the stories do seem to have his usual essence (reading the introduction might make this point clearer).
The first story, "A Nasty Anecdote", talks of an "actual state councillor" Ivan Ilyich Pralinsky who holds the belief that humaneness can bring the people of Russia together and that is the only way diplomats can be popular among general folks. He debates this with a few friends over drinks and managing to get drunk, on his walk back home tries to make himself an object of an anecdote by going to attend the wedding celebrations of a junior in his department so that people could recount stories of how he "embraced morally" people below his rank. Things do not go as expected and at the end of a scandalous dinner, Ivan Pralinsky manages to make himself an object of a nasty anecdote instead.
The Eternal Husband is the story of the meeting of a cuckolded middle aged man and his wife's erstwhile lover. This lover, Velachinov, is the protagonist of this story and the other "eternal husband" looks up to him despite all the spite. It is mutual hatred and contention over their loved ones that leads to multiple meetings between the two. Each trying to justify himself to the other.
The third new story in this book : The Meek One, is the ramblings of a husband standing over the corpse of his wife who jumped out of the window. They are he ramblings that explain his distress at finding himself alone once more. He accuses himself; accuses her; looks for ways to justify her acts. But his pain is evident at the loss of one he loved and for whom he had agreed to change.
All three stories were very interesting. I specially liked "The Meek One" more than the others because of the rambling nature of the story. It was nothing more than the mindless babble of a widower. But it was very beautifully portrayed. I will resume my Dostoyevskian journey after a short break now.
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